Information for adult patients seeking referral for the diagnosis of ADHD

Local NHS ADHD services in Oxfordshire are not currently taking any new referrals. Patients can be referred to selected providers for an ADHD diagnostic assessment only. 

As per our prescribing policy, we do not enter into “shared care” arrangements with private providers. This means that any medication recommended by a private provider must be prescribed directly by the private service.
National guidance also expects patients receiving medication for their ADHD on the NHS to have a yearly specialist review. This is not currently happening in Oxfordshire. 

The practice has therefore taken the difficult decision that any new requests from specialists, both NHS and private, to prescribe ADHD medications to adult patients, will be declined. 

We will also be making this clear to providers of ADHD services, at the point we refer patients for a diagnostic assessment. The assessment is only for diagnosis and not for recommendations about medication. 

In summary, adult patients can still be referred to selected private providers to receive a diagnosis of ADHD. However, we are not able to prescribe medication for ADHD for any new patients at the current time.